Look what's been happening in JULY!
The weather has finally cooled, but Spring is just around the corner. Notes for June Diary still apply for July.
Now is the time you should be getting ready for root pruning, repotting; and potting of new trees. Remember
do Black & Red Pines first as early Spring is the best time for Pines.
Stephen will be running 3 only workshops for anyone who has repotting of bonsai, and would like some guidance.
These will be held on Sundays the 12, 19 & 27 August from 12 noon to 3pm
Dianne will commence general workshops every Saturday starting on 12 August from 9am to 12 noon.
If you wish to attend any of these workshops, phone and organise a date.
We have a batch of new soil ready and also new stock of interesting rock.
This is a very exciting and busy time of year for the enthusiast. Have fun and take the time to enjoy your passion/hobby.