So have YOU heard about SEPTEMBER?
Well September is one of my favourite times of year. Full of anticipation and waiting for just the right time to trim each bonsai. Too soon and you are liable to get spindly growth, larger foliage. Even the same varieties will have different growth times. so I judge each tree individually. My main objective is to let each bonsai use as much of the spring vigour before trimming.
We are fertilising once a fortnight with a solution low in nitrogen and making sure all trees are cleaned out after winter. I have noticed a lot of butterflies and so expect the grubs to be about 2 weeks away. Make sure you also checking for disease.
Stephen and I have been working to make sure stock is ready for Spring. We have a large supply of quality stock in all sizes ready, and now is a good time to choose your trees.
We still have a limited number of bougainvilleas in different sizes on SALE. $100 each and if you buy 2 you get one free.
So to all you bonsai enthusiasts enjoy Spring.